Today our lessons were about Intercultural Learning. One of the first tasks was to evaluate attitudes, see if we would agree, disagree or wouldn't have an opinion in some made sentences. Continuing those, we were asked to select the ones that most appeals to us and what is the least accurate. Further on we were deciding whether they had a positive or a negative light in our eyes.
For me, these sentences were actually pretty good as an exercise, because you could possibly get a new view on things and think about a culture in a way you necessarily wouldn't usually see them. We also got to hear some interesting perspectives from other people in the class, yet another great way to learn and make you think outside the box.
One of these views were made out of an example sentence: "Ignoring the differences between cultures is dangerous". With more information on this opinion, I could see why someone could see this as a positive way for the cultural diversity. This is one of the reasons why I haven't really decided what I think of that statement.
We also got to test our cultural sensitivity on a test published by University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).There were a lot of hard questions, questions I necessarily didn't answer or marked with a question mark. For example the first question is about your friend making something you very much disapprove of and how would you react to it, and this was very hard to answer on because it really depends on what they do. Are they getting back with their ex or are they mistreating your family and closest ones? Getting back with their ex is not really my business, I might tell what I think but what I've learned in life is not to mess with others' relationships. But if they hurt for example my family or closest friends, I would say goodbye to them.
UAMS. Accessed [2018-09-11]. Available:
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