maanantai 19. marraskuuta 2018

Thursday September 20, 2018

Today we started the lesson with evaluating some sentences. We had to say whether we agreed, didn't, or had no opinion on. I really like this way of learning cause it's a good conversation starter. I got to work with two foreign girls, which is always great, cause I get to learn about new cultures along the way.
     Blue. Red. Yellow.
     Another way to look at the world. We went through theories about cultural categories by Lewis. A good explanation could be found on
It showed us there are some guidelines on how to treat people and that every country has their own colour. Your opinion or colour can be individual too and it may change the more you meet people from another countries. Almost everyone is a mix of these colours, usually one being the dominating one and other(s) following.
     The cultural was a good base for these models, because it all comes down to our own values, cultures, where we come from.
     A triangle of a Lewis model (Figure 1) was shown to us. It basically just generalizes countries and tells to which colour they belong to: are they Linear-active, Multi-active or Reactive. I come from Finland which is somewhat a green country, so in between of linear-active and reactive. In the same place was Estonia, surrounded by Sweden and Canada to mention few.
     Personally I think this is a pretty good description of Finland, but I am yet to figure am I really fitting into this "mold" of my home country. These values can also change after you see more of the world. At this moment I can just see myself belonging to all of these, maybe the reactive part being the most clear in my mind. But then again, I would't say I listen most of the time, I'm more in between of talking and listening, so that would put me into multi-active category, which then again, doesn't fit me with being very emotional. Also I do have some parts from linear-active, like I do confront people and I am polite but direct. At the end of the day, I feel like someone who knows me very well, should be the one putting me in one of these categories if any. I don't feel like I'm completely belonging into any of them.

Figure 1. Most people are hybrids. Accessed [2018-09-21]. Available:

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